Charming Oxan Barones Stable name: Ox jr.Studbook: NRPSPedigree: Charmeur x Baron x UlftYear of birth: 2014Height: 16,2 hhColour: BlackPredicate: Stb, ster She really is a black beauty. Ox jr. show again how strong the influens are from her grandmother Oxanne. She is a look a like in a modern jacket.In 2020 she was showed the first time at the NRPS show and became a star predicate. Her douther Dixi Barones also granded at the show and became star. pedigree horsetelex Barones CocoxanneNRPS, Ster, Prok2012, 16.0, Buckskin Barones CocoxanneNRPS, Prok 2007, 16.0, buckskin CharmeurKWPN2007, 16,3, chestnut Florensio IWestfalian1999, 16.2, bay TrendyKWPN, pref, Elite, Prok2000, 16.3, bay BaronCZEWB1993, 16.2, perlino OxanneKWPN1996, 16.0, black Florestan IRheinlander1986, 16.2, bay WalessaWestfalian1992, 16.1, dark bay JazzKWPN1991, 16.3, chestnut EndyKWPN, pres, pref, keur 1986, 16.2, bay BurbonWLKP1982, 16.2. palomino KlaraCZEWB 1986, 16.2, buckskin UlftKWPN1978, 16.2, bay VosinaKWPN, 1979, 16.1, chestnut Offsprings 1st generation Dixi BaronesPedigree: Don Deluxe x CharmeurStudbook: NRPS, starBirth date: 2017Colour: chestnutHight: 16.31 Oxanna BaronesPedigree: Quaterback x CharmeurStudbook: NRPSBirth date: 2019Colour: chestnut